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Route 6x6 Discussion Board * Lets Ride: For Groups and Clubs to talk about riding locations. * Michigan MAXing in Grayling < Previous Next >

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Harry Dusseau (Dirtyharry)

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Posted on Wednesday, February 23, 2005 - 10:47 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Moderator/Admin only)

Had a great weekend up state in the Grayling area weekend of Sept. 14-16. Needed to get away from the world to detox from the horrors of Tuesday. My two best friends and I had a fantastic time. The weather cooperated beautifully. Mostly sunny and high 60's during the day and low 40's at night. Sweet campsite location on the side of a big hill. The other side was a really trick riding area with all sorts of gullies, sweepers and steep hills to challenge both my Max II and my Rokon Trailbreaker.

Click on my Profile to see a new pic. That's me reaching the bottom of the steepest hill. I had just ended my last of three big bounces, where I got at least two feet of air in the Mighty Max!!! Not all that impressive for hard-bouncin' maniacs like MaxRules, but it was a real thrill for normally safe-riding little old me. (Ooooooh, did my butt hurt! But it was worth it!) Too bad I can't post the video footage my buddy took. It looks awesome!

I do wish it had been wetter, but the sand provided a unique challenge of it's own. Too loose and unstable to climb some of the taller hills, especially in the Max. The Rokon conquered all but one hill (the steepest run, which was something like 60+ degrees for a hundred foot upclimb).

There are times when I regret spending the money for these toys, but then weekends like this come along and justify every penny!! Nothing like it for unwinding from the stress of the ratrace workaday world. I need to do this more often!

We ran into a few groups of four wheelers and three or four small packs of "traditional" dirtbike riders. We got the usual doubletakes from these mainstream riders. The quads seemed skittish of my machines, and avoided us altogether.

Two groups of bikers rode with us for part of one afternoon. The second batch was especially intrigued by the Rokon. Took a few seconds before they could get past those huge, lugged tires to notice the drive sprocket on the FRONT wheel. 'What? Two-wheel drive!?' That blew 'em away. Lotsa questions, and then the inevitable "Can I take it for a spin?" Made a believer out of several, especially those older riders who were also hunters.

Younger bunch said: 'Cool, but too slow.' Older guys said: 'It can carry HOW MUCH on frame!? It can tow HOW MUCH!!? WHERE can you get one of these things!?' Made many new friends, none of which had ever seen either machine. We made converts of many, and piqued the interest of everyone we encountered.

Hope other amphibbers out there are helping spread the word when out on the trails. One day, perhaps our machines will be 'just another machine' on the trails, instead of 'weird freaks.'

KEEP ON RIDIN' !!!!!!!!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (MAX)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< (ROKON)

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