The Rubicon Trail ----------Ride in August

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Lets Ride: For Groups and Clubs to talk about riding locations.: The Rubicon Trail ----------Ride in August
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Dave Johnston on Unrecorded Date: Edit

There is an upcoming ride of the Rubicon with Argos and Max vehicles in August. Right now just a locally planned ride by a group in Carson City. Has ANYONE tackled the Rubicon with an Argo, Max or other six or eight wheeled vehicle? If so, we could use any comments or advice you might have on your trip. The Jeep trail rating system is OK for the 4x4s, but what is describe as "difficult" for Jeeps is pretty easy in an Argo. We six and eight wheelers may have to devise our own system.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Chris on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I was only on part of the Rubicon, and not with my Max. I was in a Suzuki Samuri, which handled the parts of the trail we saw with NO trouble at all. A bit challenging, but not anything that stopped the Suzuki. I can't imagine anything on that trail that would stop a Max or Argo. I haven't seen all of the trail though.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Tony on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I hit the rubicon on my max 2 starting at the lake (tahoe end)a few weeks ago. I was going to try and go again this weekend, but its the jeepers jamboree and closed to the public. When I went, I only went about ten miles in, and didnt have any camping stuff, so I turned back. From the tahoe end its very fun, but nothing questionable for a max. Theres a bunch of little lakes i think were supposed to stay out of, but I had to make my way into a few of them. The next time i go, I wanted to start out on the placerville end, bring some gas, and try to make it all the way in a few days. I talked to some of my buddies that have been on it, and they told me that I could probably make it on a max. My only concern is clearance over boulders, and theres supposed to be a LOT of them at the other end I havnt tried. I have 21" tires, and had no problem on the lake side. I personally dont think I'll have a problem with the rubicon. The max seems to go over anything I want it to. My only problem is making a larger rack for extra gas, and all the camping stuff im gonna need. Let me know if the rubicon ride goes through, Me and my girlfriend would probably want to go. E mail me at

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