Heat Kit for Argo Conquest

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Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Chris M. (Argomaster9000) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Does anyone have a heat kit for their Argo Conquest?

I want one, but I'm not sure how difficult it is to install it.

I am thinking about purchasing one from ODG and installing it myself. Any comments from experiences? How does it connect to the engine? Is there a switch for it, or is it on all the time? I just built a roof and windshield for my Conquest and would like to keep warm in the winter with a heat kit.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By argoguru on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I would try it without a heater kit first. if you have a top and windshield, heat from the radiator fan and brake cooler fan, blows alot of air through the firewall. extreme cold though, below 0 you probably would want one. I am considering one for my conquest for northern mi. ice fishing, just to get out of the cold and warm up while out on the ice.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Kevin Watson (Kevin) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I didn`t get a heater, I wanted to try it as is first.
It can`t be any colder than riding a 4Wheeler.
It should connect through a heater hose from the radiater some way but I don`t know for sure.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By David Keeso (Argomag) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Chris, from what I understand, the heater runs of the radiator heat from the engine. It is just a fan that blows the air through. I don't know where it comes in, but it does. WHere your serial number plate is, that is where the switch is. It is only on when you flick the switch. It has lo and hi settings. I don't have ome, never seen one, don't need one, but its a great conquest option--ONE MAX DON'T HAVE!!

(are you still going to send me those pics of your machine when you get back?? I am leaving on the 21st. IF you are back before you can use my regular e-mail- djhkeeso@rogers.com but after that, insanecrash@hotmail.com.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Chris M. (Argomaster9000) on Unrecorded Date: Edit


HEHE... Where are you from? My guess is not from Canada. The temperature here hasn't been above zero for nearly two months (that's degrees Celcius). With the windchill factor it has reached -30C (that's about -9000 F) HEHE! My point is that I will be using the Argo this winter in pretty much these conditions, which is my reasoning for a heater kit.

But I see your point about the windshield/roof. I guess if I have these then the engine/brake heat may be enough. Kevin is suggesting the same thing. David, you don't have a roof right? If you don't have a roof and you're alright then I think we should be alright too. I mean we're both using it in the same conditions pretty much (Ontario).

Thanks for the input guys.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By David Keeso (Argomag) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Chris, no roof, no heater, no protection. Just a lot of winter clothing, heavy jacket, snow pants, hat, gloves and ability to withstand cold. Their are times when you could really use some heat in ARGO, and I have found that although the engine is running, and being worked, if it is cold enough, it won't heat up nearly as much as it would in spring or fall. Forget about the summer, the heat is overpowering. However, with the roof and windshield, you get enough heat that would get trapped in the enclosed area with the roof and windshield to keep you much warmer than without. A friend of ours who used to be an ARGO dealer has two ARGOs and he has windshield, and top on it. I have been in it once and as long as the door was shut, you got heat. My dad was there too, and we were going over some of my dads development and working out lot plans. My dad opened the door ever two seconds and didn't think about the heat. Might have been just as easy to take the roof off. But it does make a huge difference. Go for it, it will also keep rain and other crap off you.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By David Keeso (Argomag) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

By the way Chris, not to ruin anything here, but it was 4 degrees Celcius today and it was 6 on wednesday or thursday.

But, I get your point. We get extremely cold temperatures here, and they range everywhere. Argoguru, he isn't lying when he says -30 celcius. I have seen it many times in my 18 years of life. I have also seen it hit 30+ to 40+.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Damen T.Hill (Argoss) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

hey everyone just wondering witch is better soft top or hard to on argo 6x6? I was thinking of making a nice canvas and clear vinyl top for my argo. but i have seen some nice hardtops for the argos But can you run the roll bar/cage with a hardtop?

and how much can i expect to pay for a windshild from argo?
any help would be great.


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By argoguru on Unrecorded Date: Edit

that kind of temperature I would have a heater kit too, but in the lower penisula of michigan it is not worth the cost right now. we are only in the teens and twentys, and just the top and windshield would be enough.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Chris M. (Argomaster9000) on Unrecorded Date: Edit


Temperature-wise, here in Sudbury, it reached about 2C two days ago, which is the warmest I've seen in the last several weeks. My parents were surprised when I told them it hit about -30 with the windchill. I know that in TO it hit 7C or something like that. Just remember that I'm in Sudbury. HEHE! It's snowing as of now (3PM, Sunday), which I love, but there's only about 3cm of snow. Nevertheless, it looks very picturesque and I wish I had the Argo here!

Anyway, enough daydreaming... We'll just have to see this winter how effective the heat is. My goal was to go riding with my cousin on the trail this holiday, then pull over. As he's looking into my Argo to see what I'm doing, I'd like to remove my jacket, hat and gloves and smile at him and fan myself with my hand to tell him that it's a little warm in my Argo. HAHA!! :-) Naw, I'm not going to be that mean, but you get the idea.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Chris M. (Argomaster9000) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Sorry David, I forgot to reply about something. How big is your djhkeeso@rogers.com inbox? How much MB can I send you? I know Hotmail is quite small and I fear that my emails may not make it.

I *will* send you pictures, no problem. You want just general pics of it or what (I can't exactly remember)? We have the home-made windshield and roof on it along with the tracks right now. I have a FEW pictures of it (parents e-mailed them a few days ago) if you want? They were taken at night and aren't the best, but gives you an idea of what it looks like. They will be available on my web site as soon as I am done exams. :-)

Also, speaking of roof+windshield...

Damen, regarding the hard-top, I don't know how sturdy it really is to take into the bush. What I would recommend is to get a windshield and a soft-top and THEN apply the rollcage over that to protect yourself and your roof/windshield from the bush, unless you have the money for both a hardtop AND a rollcage.

I've phoned an Argo dealer awhile back and their windsheilds are approx. $1000 Canadian. A bit expensive. They're glass I believe, which we didn't like, so we built a windsheild out of plexi and framed it in an aircraft-aluminum frame for durability. Turned out really well with the roof we built for it.

One more thing to consider that I just realized is how you are transporting your Argo. Our trailer is enclosed so we don't have to worry about the wind. Is yours open or enclosed? Think about that, since I think hard-tops are more difficult to take off if you need to.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By David Keeso (Argomag) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Chris, my djhkeeso@rogers.com account has had massive amounts of pictures come inton the inbox and it was fine. IF possible, can you send them in smaller amounts of 10-15 pics each.

Pics of anything ARGO related. Anything can be sent


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