T-20 Transmission stuck in Forward Gear

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Shop Talk: Tech Tips and Q&A section: T-20 Transmission stuck in Forward Gear
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Jonathan Davis on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I have a 2000 Max II and the Transmission is stuck in forward. no matter what i try to do it will not go into neutral. The max was resently filled with water in an accident. Does anyone think that has anything to do with it??? Does anyone have any tips on how to free it up? thanks. Jonathan

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Fred Sowerwine, Montana's Max Dealer (Fred4dot) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Jonathan, Your problem certainly could be as a result of the water and you should probably change the tranny fluid because water can go in the vent plug (upper plug on right half of tranny - the fill plug. The lower plug on the left half is the "fill to" plug and has no vent.

Check where the linkage connects to the tranny; (the shifter drum or shift collar could be gunked up and frozen in place. If you pull it out, make sure you clean up the area real well so dirt doesn't drop into the tranny and goop it up well with Vaseline before you put it back in. I'd check each side by disconnecting the linkage and trying to shift it before I pulled the shifter collar out. Don't fool with the linkage adjustments, just pull the pin that connects the linkage to the shifter.

The other thing is the number of hours you have on your machine. The more hours, the easier they are to shift. It takes a good 25 hours before they get relatively easy to shift and if the machine is on an incline (putting pressure on the tranny), they can be real hard to shift.

Good luck.

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