Archive through February 18, 2001

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Shop Talk: Tech Tips and Q&A section: Soundproofing a max: Archive through February 18, 2001
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Rick on Unrecorded Date: Edit

Hello, I’m looking for a some advise on purchasing a used MAX II. I’ve always wanted one since I saw one the first time back in Popular Mechanics back in the early 70’s. I’ve found a 96 MAX II 450 with a 16 hp Vanguard engine. The unit comes with a windshield, rollbar, convertible top, manual snowplow and tracks. It seems in very good condition. Right now the price is $4300. What do you think? I know I have to look at this much like a car and also be concerned with the axles, chains and sprockets what else should I look at? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By pete6x6 on Unrecorded Date: Edit


That price is a bit high. Have you looked at the body? How old is the 16? Is it the original engine? How often did they use the tracks? If they used the tracks alot make sure you check all the axles and bearings because the tracks put alot of force on them while in use. What is the maintenance records like for the machine? Did they change the oil, check the t-20 tranny, lube the chains? Are the chains loose? Are the drain plugs in? What does the battery look like, has the water level been checked? What do the tires look like? Are the tires worn or cracked or slashed? Did they ever pull anything? It's got a snowplow ddi they use it? If so where does it attach and how does that area look? These all can be points of failure and if your goingt o drop $4000 on something you have the right to ask. If they think your a pain then buy something else.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By MaxRules (Brandon_price) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I don't think that is a bad price if it is in good shape. It has a lot of expensive accessories. The tracks will be a heavy load for a 16hp engine so don't expect to have power to spare. Make sure it has the bearing extentions for the tracks and the right mount for the plow. Max has a maintenance free battery so there is no water level to check.
Chains and bearings are the main things to check. Just under $300 is needed to fix all that stuff if it was not properly maintained (hmm, how do I know that?).


Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Rick on Unrecorded Date: Edit


Thanks for your advise. I'll check into it.


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