Archive through September 7, 1999

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Shop Talk: Tech Tips and Q&A section: Tracks: Archive through September 7, 1999
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Dan Harriger on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I'm looking at both Maxs and Argos and comparing to see which I want to buy. One of my considerations is their performance in snow. Therefore tracks are one of the criteria I'm checking. I hear that the Max tracks "stretch" and have more of a tendency to come off, often to the inside between the wheels and the body. I also hear that the Argos "plastic" tracks don't do well on a packed surface without addng cleats. Has anyone had experience with Tru Trax? Have you any comments on their product as an option? Also, does anybody know of tracks that would fit the 12 inch wide tires like on the Argo 25 inch tire or the Max's 26 inch tires so that I don't have to have two sets of tires? I know that body clearance may be a problem, but perhaps tire spacers woiuld resolve that. Thanks.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Greg Vickery on Unrecorded Date: Edit

When Hustler was in business, their tracks fit both their 22 inch tires and their 26 inch tires. I have a picture of a Hustler with tracks on their 26 inch tires. Their tracks were like the narrow tracks offered by Argo now. So I would believe that the Argo tracks would fit both size tires. But you still have to deal with the clearance problem. On the Hustler the hull was deeper so the tracks fit with no problem.

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Dale Styer on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I have an Argo 6x6. When I originally bought it, I got the regular tracks(about 12 inches wide). The tracks did not provide enough floatation, so, I would spin until the body hung up on snow. I went to the super track(about 17 inches with wheel spacers) and I can go anywhere. I do carry cleats, but I only add them when I need to, takes just a couple of minutes. I did talk to Tru Tracs before I invested in the wide track, there's are about 12 inches wide, so, I didn't think they'd improve performance. I am very satisfied with the super track. I do not know what the Max track is made of or it's width. Due to the the high expense, I'd test before I'd buy. Good Luck, Dale

Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By Alan Teryn (Alanteryn) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

The MAX track system does not stretch more than what you can regulate with air pressure. Last year I was at a snowmobile grass drag event near Grand Rapids Michigan. There was a MAX and argo dealer there. He had a set of tru tracks on a argo conquest. He went to move the machine about 8 feet and the tracks walked off the vehicle. After playing around he was finally able to get the tracks back on. He was on plain dry grass. It was not a very good performance. If they give you trouble on flat grass what will they do if you actually go off road.
I have used the MAX track system on my MAX IV for 2 winters there is about 80 to 90 hours on them. I am running 3 1/2 psi in my tires. These tracks are awsome in swamps and in snow. I will not ever buy a set of cheap plastic tracks as long as I can use the RI track system. By the way RI will give you a great deal on the 21" tires and wheels when you purchase the tracks.

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