Archive through August 28, 1999

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Shop Talk: Tech Tips and Q&A section: Drll pump for Argo B.F: Archive through August 28, 1999
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By olbleyes on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I finally tried a self priming drill pump to change the oil in my bigfoot. I drained almost 2qts out in less than 5 min. The trick is to use an electric drill not a rechargeable one, and to move the hose in and out of the dipstick hole until you have a steady flow of oil. it is also important to have oil hot for easier flow. you will not get every drop out, but thats what the filter is for right. i live ont the ocean where there are many marinas and boats. everyone uses vacuum pumps to drain the oil because it is a real hassle due to space on a ships engine compartment. Question: Has anyone ever used slick 50 in a briggs motor?

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