Archive through November 21, 2000

Route 6x6 Discussion Board: Shop Talk: Tech Tips and Q&A section: Engine Mods: Archive through November 21, 2000
Top of pagePrevious messageNext messageBottom of pageLink to this message   By MaxRules (Brandon_price) on Unrecorded Date: Edit

I have finished tearing apart the Briggs to have it bored. I dropped it off at the machine shop today. Check out some of my pics as I was taking it apart:

As the bottom of that page says, it is a really simple engine and easy to modify. This is about the only part of my Max I have taken apart without breaking something. I have a repair manual on order so I know the torque specs for putting it back together. Mods as planned are:
Wiseco pistons and rings,
Wiseco rods,
Port exhaust and intake,
Make dual strait pipes,
New Carb(s),
Set governor to 6000 RPM,
and maybe new clutch.

I need to at least get one bigger carb. If I want to spend more money, it would be awesome to have twin carbs. The stock clutch says it is only good to 5000 RPM. I am told it will probably not fly apart until about 8000, but 6000 could possibly break it. Now all I need is a Nitros Oxide System!

Fast, modified, reliable 6x6s is what will bring them back to the mainstream of ATVs. If enough people do this it would be possible to bring the races back. Start modifying now so you will be ready to pass up some quads next summer. You'll wish you had modified your Max when I pass you like you're sitting still... even those 900-Ts.

Most seldom spoken quote from a 6x6 rider:
"I'll race you!"


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